Last Thursday we went to the Dutch show in Tolbert. Till Sunday a Subtop show was organized at this showground. It was a great show and very well organized!!
Joyce competed Donnee, Euro, Iconic B and Sacre Coeur. Two students of Joyce were there to show as well: Nicole Den Dulk with Joey and Wallace NOP and Sophie van der Steen with Yellow Boy.
So it was pretty busy but with a great team!
First to go on Friday was six year old Donnee, owned by Marcel's student Anna Kasatkina. Donnee did great in the class for young horses and scored 76,4%! Donnee only had to compete on Friday so Anna has trained her horse the other days with her coach Marcel.
Iconic B was great at Prix St. Georges level and scored over 69% which resulted in the third prize in a big field.
Sacre Coeur was shown at Grand Prix level and was nice to ride and Euro was awesome and won the Intermediaire 2 test scoring over 70%!!
On Saturday it was up to Sophie and Nicole: Sophie and her pony Yellow Boy were in great form and their score (over 69%!) was enough to win the test! Great!
Aboard Wallace NOP Nicole scored over 75% and became the runner up. Her new horse Joey was competed for the first time and was very good.
Iconic B was off on Saturday. Euro did great at Inter II level. Unfortunately the zigzag didn't go well and the pair scored an one (counting twice...) but nevertheless they were ranked fourth. Sacre did his best Grand Prix so far! I am very proud of this horse, he is so work willing!
The last show day was Sunday. Time flies when you are having fun! Sacre was off after two great days of performing. Euro was good again but we had the same mistake again... Third prize in the final ranking!
Iconic B was a bit too hot and we had some small miscommunications. But he is still young and in a big field he was ranked fifth with almost 68%.
Sophie's Yellow Boy was a bit tired but they still did a super job and rode a nice test.
Nicole's Joey was a super star and he tried his heart out scoring almost 69%. Aboard Wally Nicole finished second again!
It was a very successful show. All horses did great. We had a great time with a super nice team!