Today, Saturday, I finished third in the freestyle kur at Intermediare1 level with Showboy!
I had a very good feeling during my test and was very satisfied. It was very crowdy and the public stood close to the ring so that was a bit excited for the horses.
I had a little fault during the collection after my extended canter and the pirouette to the right could end better but for the rest it was a good test. I could ride exactly on the music and the tempi changes fit perfect on the music. We scored and 8,5!
Too bad there was a diffirence of four percent in judging. Four judges gave me 73-74% and one judge gave 68% so that was a pitty. But I don't want to complain, that's the sport!
This morning I had already ridden Showboy and then he felt really good. I used Authentic for the prize giving ceremony and Showie always is a bit tensed during these things.
Now we have two days of training and on Tuesday there is the vet check again for the second international show here.
Have a nice weekend!
Greetings, Joyce