Yesterday Angelique van Eerd-Bierings, one of Joyce´s students, has made her début at Z1 level with her mare Weante.
For Angelique and her Weante it was a pretty long time ago that they have had their last show as Angelique has decided to train at home until she was ready for this new level. Yesterday she showed it was worth waiting. Angelique rode a very good test and came second. She scored 438 points, the sum of two judges. With this results Weante came ´Elite mare´ for her studbook as well.
More students have been succesful last weekend: Berdien Faasen and Don Scott came third at L2 level with a score of 196 points and Sandra Faasen came 5th and 6th at L2 level. She competed Captain in two tests.
Gina Pijnenburg showed Aachen at Young Riders and came third.
Purdey Jansen, a student of Marcel came fourth at ZZ/zwaar leven (just below small tour) with a score of 64%.