Last Wednesday the truck of The Beukenvallei left with four horses to the three day Dutch show in Houten. Joyce competed Euro and Iconic B.
Euro was three times the runner up in the Intermediaire II / Grand Prix class.
Iconic B did a super job all three days. On the first day he scored 69,9%. On the second day he finished 2nd and on the third day he scored 72,55% which was his best performance at this show.
On Thursday Joyce also showed CoffeeBay at small tour level. The pair ended up fifth with a score over 68%.
On Friday Marcel's student Pawarisa Thongpradup rode her horse CoffeeBay herself and the pair performed very well in the Prix St. Georges test.
Marcel's other students Anna Kasatkina and Lizz Kok were in Houten as well. All three days Anna performed well at Z1 level. Lizz rode three good tests with Rimbaud at Intermediaire II level.
It was a nice show and we had great days in Houten!!