It was a long but successful day in Aerdenhout (in the Dutch province North Holland). Joyce competed in the Subli Cup.
The first to go was the four year old BWP approved stallion Hero (Johnson x Ferro). Hero was great and fully focussed on Joyce in the test. He got 9,5 for canter! In total Hero got 83 points and he finished second.
Then Joyce tacked up five year old George (Johnson x Chronos). George as well did a super job. Joyce and Marcel were very satisfied about the test. Joyce: 'George is such a talented horse, he is fantastic! He has booked a lot of progression lately and that makes us happy! I think this was his best test so far and he can do even better haha!' George was ranked third ex aequo. It was a close finish for the first four combinations. George got 76,0 points and the winner got 76.6.
Last but not least, Joyce competed the Elite mare Beukenvallei's Glamour (Charmeur x Rhodium). 'Glamour was a bit tensed in the beginning of the test and she was a bit affraid of the eventing obstacles but she trusts her rider and she was brave after a few rounds. The test was good. Glamour is a bit green and inexperienced but she is soooo talented! She just needs more time.' Joyce tells. Glamour finished seventh.