Last Friday Marcel and Joyce have been to Uden to a Dutch practice show. Joyce and Marcel regularly go there to train the horses at a show. This time they took seven year old Babieca and Vanquisch.
The first to go was Babieca at ZZ zwaar level. The goal was to see how she behaves at a show and to see if she is ready for this level. During the test Joyce and Marcel used the wireless sound system so that Marcel could coach Joyce during the test. Babieca did a good job and is ready for shows.
Than Vanquisch (picture) came in the ring. Anky was present to help as well so that was super. 'Aboard Vanquisch I really did a trainings round. On May 11 there is an other selection on the program so it was super nice Marcel and Anky were there together and helped. We worked out more details in the test and we have learned a lot!' Joyce tells.