Today we would like to introduce to you our second trainee who does her internship at The Beukenvallei at the moment. We asked 17 year old Laura Smulders to tell something about herself.
Hello, my name is Laura Smulders, 17 years old and living in Leende.
I do my internship at The Beukenvallei. My first day here was December 17 and the period ends on February first this year. I study 'animal and behaviour' level 3 at the Helicon school in 's Hertogenbosch. I just started this course and I like it a lot so far!
Horses always have had my interest and I am a member of ponyclub 'de Doorzettertjes' in Leende. I really like it to do my internship at The Beukenvallei.
In my first weeks I already have learned a lot, the horses here are great to work with and so is the team!
As I am a member of the pony club I am used to work with ponies and at The Beukenvallei I work with (big) horses so that is something different but awasome.
I started to ride when I was seven years old and I love to galop in the woods. The horse I ride is half Halflinger half Frisian bred, it's a nice but strong horse.
It was no surprise I started to ride ponies as my parents have always been horse people too and my grandfather won the provincial jumping championship of South Holland.
My study goal is to learn more about the behaviour of sporthorses. Also, I like to learn more about the teamwork, how all members of the team help to come to good results at the shows.
Greetings, Laura