Last weekend several students of Marcel and Joyce have competed and booked good results! They competed at the qualifier for the regional indoor championships for Brabant and Limburg (The Netherlands):
Results regio Brabant:
B level: 3rd prize for Malou Rutten and Clinton
L1 level: 6th prize for Lotte Verstappen and Blister
M1 level: 3rd prize for Sandra Faasen and Captain
M1 level: 4th prize for Berdien Faasen and Don Scott
Z1 level: 3rd prize for Stacy Bax and Zidaza
Z1 level: 4th prize Doortje van Herk and Amande
Results regio Limburg :
M2 level: 2nd prize for Leonie Nijskens and Crespo
M2 level: 4th prize for Eveliene Smeets and Valeureux
Z1 level: 4th prize for Judith Debougnoux and Bo
Z1 level: 5th prize for Mandy Wilms and Apache
Z2 level: 1st prize for Judith Debougnoux and Athina
ZZ-licht level: 4th prize for Joyce van Cranenbroek and Warsteiner