Last Friday in Uden a practice show has taken place. Marcel an Joyce love to go there as the horses learn a lot here, and the riders too.
Several students of Marcel came to Uden and Marcel was there to coach. Joyce tacked up Euro to practice the FEI test for six year old horses and Authentic to do the Prix st. Georges.
Marcels Spanish students were in Uden as well. Lucia Gallardo competed her Symphonie at Grand Prix level and Victor Petit showed Esturion in the FEI test for six year old horses.
For these horses this show was a preparation for the international show in Biarritz in the beginning of October. Joyce and many students of Marcel will compete there.
Pictured are Marcel and his Spanish students Lucia Gallardo and Victor Petit and the other picture is taken of the group in the lorry after a successful practice show with Lucia, Victor and Ivanna.