Last Saturday during the KWPN studbook presentation in Nistelrode (NLD) it was up to our three year old Fame to present herself at her very best.
Fame is a chic mare by Gribaldi x De Niro and has been at the Stable Vermulst in preparation to this day. She was shown by Leonthien Vermulst.
Fame presented herself very well and did her utmost best. As the surface was very slippery she slipped twice. So she moved a little careful but good enough to get the predicate ster! She got 85 points for exterior, 80 for walk, 75 for gaits.
The next presentation for Fame will be at the central inspection in Veghel, June 29.
So, we have had a very successful weekend: we presented three mares at the KWPN studbook inspection and all three became ster!