Inspite some bad luck she came fourth at the Dutch indoor championships at M2 level in Brummen last Saturday: Judith Debougnoux, one of Marcel's students, competed her self bred mare Bo.
She had bad luck as she finished with the same points as the bronze medal winner but the main judge has given her one point less than the number three so she ended fourth. That's is too bad but still, a very good result!
Two other students of Marcel have competed last weekend as well: Purdey Jansen won a test and was the runner up in the other test at the show in Hulten. There she showed her Vladimir at ZZ-zwaar level. Alexandra Langeveld got her first 60% at small tour level.
Lonneke de Jong, who is trained by Joyce, came second and third at ZZ-licht level at the Dutch show in Schaijk last Sunday.