Last Wednesday Joyce and Marcel, Ivanna and Sophie left for Le Mans in France. At this international show Joyce and Sophie competed after a Covid 19 test and a journey of 10 hours. All arrived well in Le Mans.
Joyce was on the starting list with Euro and Beukenvallei's Iconic B.
Euro was shown at middle tour level and he finished fourth on the first day. The score was almost 67%. On the second day there were some small mistakes but overall was good and the pair ended up sixth.
Bad luck for Iconic B as he was very affraid of the snow coming of the roof which made a lot of noise. Joyce could not get rid of the tension as the snow kept on falling from the roof.... So the best decision was to stop the test and use the other days for just training. He is too young to take risks and we didn't want him to be even more scared.
The pony of Sophie van der Steen also was affraid of the snow on the first day but this pair took revange on the second day and scored over 70% in the individual test. She was qualified for the final and in the freestyle kur she scored over 70% again!