Dear all,
It has been over a week ago since the last news on the website. So it's about time for an update.
It all goes very well. I (Joyce) am riding again and I feel fit. I am grateful Marcel has ridden my horses during my pregnancy. He has done a super job and I can just go on where I ended before I stopped riding.
Ubique is doing well. I train with him at Anky van Grunsven and while I was pregnant, Marcel took over the lessons with Anky. I have entered two practise shows at Intermediaire II level. If that goes well, I will compete at an official show. At this moment there are not that many Grand Prix shows in Holland so I have to figure out a good schedule. For sure I will compete at the French show in Pompadour. That will be my ninth time there!
Most probably I will compete Ubique in the small tour. To be able to compete Grand Prix internationally, you need some scores at national level.As there are not so many Grand Prix shows in The Netherlands, I am running our of time and I don't want to rush. I miss some competition rhythm and I really need that.
Besides Ubique I will take Bink to France. He will be competed in the test for six year old horses. Bink is doing really well. Sometimes he get a bit tensed for the changes.
For our stable rider Maddy Ramakers it will be the first time she will compete at an international show. She will enter the ring aboard Cesj, in the test for five year olds.
The first show on our schedule is June 16. I compete two new horses at Z2 level: seven year old Showboy which is trained by me and Marcel and six year old Babieca which is owned half by us. I am curious how it will go for the first time!
Of course we still enjoy our son Stan! He is such a sweet boy! Marcel and I are super proud parents
Upcoming weekend we don't have a show. Several students do have a competition. Next week Marcel an I go to Hoofddorp for a few days to train and support Purdey Jansen and Gina Pijnenburg. Bith qualified for the Dutch championships.
We keep you updated!
Marcel and Joyce