Today it is 11 years ago that Joyce top horse Katell passed away.
Joyce and Marcel were on a show with Katell and some other horses. The show was in Kootwijk, The Netherlands.
They went to the show one day earlier so the horses could rest there and spend the night there. The next morning Katell wasn't feeling well. He lied down a lot but he was quiet. A vet was called and checked him but he couldn't find anything special.
During the day Katell's condition didn't improve so Joyce and Marcel decided to go home and brought Katell to the vet in Someren. At the end of the day Katell's condition got worse and he passed away... The vet found out he had a ruptured appendix.
Katell was such a special horse for Joyce. They travelled through Europe together to compete and Joyce did everything with Katell since he was 2 years old. The pair won many national and international shows!
A horse never to forget!!
Katell 11-04-1992 * 03-05-2009